
Support our movement

The lack of knowledge about women in history is a global problem for democracy – and something we all can be a part of changing – together.

Women are, and have always been 50% of the population. But according to award-winning historian, author, and broadcaster Dr Bettany Hughes, the inconvenient truth is that women only occupy around 0.5% of recorded history

History is something used and created everyday. The selection of who and what is important enough to be remembered by many is an active choice by people like writers, historians and storytellers. 

You can support us in spreading knowledge about female lives in history by donating to the Historical Dinner Project today. Your support means more historical dinners all over the world, new ways to share the stories and better documentation for the future.


About us

Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska (Stockholm Museum of Women’s History) is a new and groundbreaking museum dedicated to women’s history. Together with our member organisations, we work to have women’s history and stories explored, acquired, preserved, made accessible, and visible to the public. 

We do innovative museum work – without a permanent building. Rather than having a fixed location, we appear all over the city through tours, exhibitions, talks and other activities. We aim to be present in our everyday life where the history of women actually took place, working to make it a part of our common knowledge.

Cooperation and participation is the bedrock of our work. The museum is a non-profit founded by a multitude of organisations in Stockholm: museums, archives, academic and cultural institutions and even nightclubs have all come together in order to establish Stockholm Museum of Women's History. The member organisations offer fantastic historical expertise, unique collections, facilities and spaces, and broad experiences in public events.

Through our network Kvinnohistoriska Sällskapet (the Association for Women’s History) we invite individuals from the public to support the museum and contribute in shaping it. 

With history as the common thread we will work to promote new collaborations, exchange of knowledge and first class cultural experiences for residents and visitors in Stockholm.
